Tuesday 30 September 2014

Fresher's Food

Hi Everyone! Sorry for the absence of a post last week! There was a good reason though – 
It was Fresher's Week!

For those of you that haven't experienced Fresher's Week, it's an event that lasts through the first week of university in the UK (Not sure if they have Fresher's Week elsewhere). It's designed to introduce you to the university, familiarise yourself with the campus and to acquaint yourself with your fellow students.

In reality, this does just end up as one massive week of partying, where you meet hundreds of people that you're more than likely never going to see again, and generally have an amazing time. It's a very unusual experience, but also a fantastic one. But I'm not going to write up about my nights out (I did not go out every night), in part as a result of me not fully remembering most of them. Basically, I ended up here, here and here a lot!

So, student cuisine, delicious right?

Mmm... These are probably high on your list of ideas. I certainly had this idea too. There's definitely a stereotype surrounding the type of things students eat. Yes, we did eat some pizza. And there have been a few noodles being cooked in their pots from time to time. And yes, we have had a bit lot of vodka.

I ate many healthy and nutritious foods through Fresher's Week, but now that it's over we are actually cooking real meals. It's not something I expected if I'm honest. I had the view, like most people, that as students we would mostly live on noodles (or at least other items of questionable nutritional value). But this hasn't been my experience at all.
In the name of transparency, the cupboard on the left is mine. The cupboard on the right is that of one of my flatmates, and it pretty accurately represents the cupboards of our flat generally. Not a can of beans in sight! Of course, there is a range of ability when it comes to cooking (one of my flatmates makes dishes that are restaurant quality), and generally speaking, I'm in a minority within our flat in that I don't do proper cooking every night.

Perhaps this is an exceptional case, but perhaps it isn't. People that are in work (and people that aren't, of course) also eat rubbish, just as students cook proper meals. It's not true to catagorise students as being useless with food, because like with everything, it's all based on the individuals. Coming to university has changed my view of how we as student's generally eat. We don't just eat pizza and pot noodles – We eat more or less the same way as we do at home (maybe).

Anyway, that's it for now. New stuff next week!


  1. Probably not a good idea to mention the cheeseburger, chicken burger, fries, McFlurry (whatever that is) and Fanta eaten at McDonalds on Saturday to help build you up whilst recovering from Freshers' Flu then????
